Luxury Living in Highland Park Texas | Moving to Highland Park Texas
So you’re thinking about moving to Dallas, Texas, but you want to be in the Beverly Hills of Dallas, Texas. Let’s explore it today!
The historical Highland Park theatre is actually the birthplace of the outdoor shopping center making this the oldest strip mall in the United States. And of course, Highland Park is the most prestigious neighborhood not just in Dallas, but in all of Texas, it is the number one most affluent neighborhood in all of Texas, and the median home value is $1.5 million.

In Highland Park probably the minimum you’ll find is 1.5 maybe even 2 million now with the way the current market is going. But even these homes I’ve never seen homes sell so quickly as they have in this area. I mean sitting a day or two on the market you’re talking about multi-million dollar homes that are not lasting long at all. It’s actually the number seven area or city in the United States as far as how rich it is a lot of money here. You got people like Jerry Jones, Dallas Cowboys, football players, everything like that. So that is definitely in the mix here in Highland Park.
What is the downside? I don’t want you to think everything’s all fairy tales and unicorns here, right.The property taxes are going to be pretty high on these homes, and you’re going to have some additional school taxes and things like that because these are some of the best schools in the state of Texas. So that’s something to keep in mind. We’re coming up right here. This one’s only 2.9 5 million, and it’s built in 2001.

But with that, you know, we just want to give you an idea of what Highland Park looks like, again, whether you’re moving in nine days or 90 days, just give us a call shoot us a text, send us an email or schedule a zoom call below.

You know, we want to set up a game plan also so we can maximize your time while you’re here. That’s very important to us because we want you to get the most out of it. And if you’re looking to close on a home, then we have to be extremely diligent. And as far as what we’re doing, and the type of offers we make, but at the same time, you need to have your pre-approval or your proof of funds in place before you get here, because if you get here, then that’s likely, you know, you’re just not going to make an offer on a house without it number one.
But whatever is easier for you just give us a call or shoot us a text. We hope you enjoyed it. And until next time, well, we hope to see you around town.
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